Sunday, May 20, 2012
End of the Year Party Pics
Here are some pics from our End of the Year Party--a series of different outdoor stations, including bubbles, sponge relays, hula hoops, sidewalk chalk, limbo, water fun, walking stilts, face painting, putt-putting, and throwing wet sponges at the teachers faces. The kiddos truly had a blast! However, as I was having sponges thrown at me a majority of the time, I was only able to take a handful of pictures.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Marriage of Q and U - May 11, 2012
A wedding was held in our classroom yesterday--we joined the letters "Q" and "U" in matrimony, as "Q" is rarely seen without "U" by its side in words of the English language. The mother and father of both the bride and groom were present for the service, as well as a flower girl, a ring bearer, 4 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen, and 4 ushers. Cake and refreshments were served after the service. The kiddos thoroughly enjoyed it and hopefully, this will help them to remember the concept!
The Bride and Groom |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Unit 5, Week 6 - This is the Way We Go to School
This week our Focus Story will be This is the Way We Go to School: A Book About Children Around the World. Through this book we will explore different regions of the world, their climates and physical attributes, and how these characteristics effect the way that children get to school each day. We will discuss how this compares to the way/s that we get to school.
Our Target Skill this week is learning to draw conclusions from evidence within the book (use to clues that the pictures and text give us). We will also continue to make predictions, retell a story, and identify the main idea of a story. We will work to identify, form, and match the letters 'Qq' and 'Yy' to their phonemes--/kw/ and /y/, respectively.
Amazing Words: cable car, trolley, horse-and-buggy, skis, Metro line, vaporetto
High-Frequency Words: where, come (Please continue to practice all of our "Popcorn Words" at home!)
Letters: Qq and Yy
Thank you to for the cover image!
Grandparents Lunch Pictures - May 4, 2012
Here are some pictures of the kiddos eating lunch with their grandparents on Friday, May 4, 2012. They were so excited to spend this time with their grandparents!
Montarius and his grandmother |
Kaylonnie, her older brother Grant, and their grandmother |
Evan, mom, and grandma |
Amaya, little brother Camden, and their grandparents |
Chloe, little brother Spencer, and their grandmother |
Ryliegh and her grandmother |
Bryson and his grandparents |
Brady and his grandmother |