Sunday, February 19, 2012

Unit 4, Week 2 - My Lucky Day

     Our Focus Story this week will be My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza.  This is one of my favorite stories to share with the students--it is such a cute book!  This story illustrates the comical means by which a wily pig is able to escape from the grasp of his predator, the fox, and is able to avoid being turned into the fox's dinner.
     Our Target Skill this week is determining the causes and effects of certain events within the story.  We will also continue to practice retelling a story, predicting outcomes, and determining the plot of a story.  We will work to identify, form, and match the letter 'Ll' to its phoneme--/l/.

Amazing Words:  piglet, fox, lucky, filthy, cook, scrubber

High-Frequency Words: Please continue to practice the words 'are', 'that', and 'do', along with our other previous "Popcorn Words".

Letter: Ll

Thank you to for our cover image!

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