Saturday, August 25, 2012
"The Day a Monster Came to School" Unit
This week, as we finished up our Kindergarten "Phase-In" and began our first few full days of school, we focused a majority of our attention on routines, procedures and expectations. We centered a lot of our instruction pertaining to these concepts around a picture-less story entitled "The Day a Monster Came to School". This story tells of a Monster attending school and wreaking havoc in his classroom (a.e. not following directions, using manners, or being respectful, etc.) As it turns out, the Monster had simply never been to school before and did not know how to act. In the end, his new classmates and teacher promise to help him learn how to behave at school. We used this story to discuss the difference between "Above the Line" and "Below the Line" behavior and to classify specific behaviors in an interactive activity. We then made a Common Core-friendly Monster of our own, and enjoyed some fun Monster cupcakes as a treat. We also did a Monster glyph and made a Monster mask during the week, as well.
Is there anyway I could get a copy of your above the line below the line monsters???Thanks it is a great idea!!