Sunday, April 15, 2012

Unit 5, Week 3 - Messenger, Messenger

     Our Focus Story this week will be Messenger, Messenger, written by Robert Burleigh and illustrated by Barry Root.  This story introduces us to the life of a bicycle messenger in the big city.  From dawn to dusk, no matter the weather, he is always on the move, receiving and delivering messages.
     Our Target Skill this week is comparing and contrasting information.  We will also continue to practice retelling a story, making predictions, and drawing conclusions about the text.  We will work to identify, form, and match the letter 'Uu' to its phoneme--/u/.  We will focus on the short 'u' sound this week.

Amazing Words:  messenger, delivery, radios, pickup, escalator, eyeshades

High-Frequency Words: what, said, was   (Please continue to practice all of our "Popcorn Words"!)

Letter: Uu

Thanks to for the cover image

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